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new york education statistics
  • New York faces a serious inequity problem in its public school spending: the gap between the richest and poorest districts in spending on students is one of the worst in the country. Education Week gives New York a failing grade of D+ for the level of equity in its public school spending. *

  • In the face of a $1.3 billion city budget shortfall, Mayor Bloomberg's demand for a 5 - 20% across the board cut at each agency requires Schools Chancellor Levy to offer proposed cuts to the total $12 billion education budget. **

  • Between state and city budget shortfalls, internal reorganization and cuts related to the September 11 tragedy, the Board of Education has taken $600 million out of the education budget. **

  • New York City schools have taken a formidable hit in the state's 2001 bare bones budget, where New York City experienced an $85 million reduction in state aid. **

  • Governor Pataki's recently proposed budget for the coming fiscal year contains no new money for education. **

  • In January 2002, President Bush signed into law a sweeping education reform bill which requires annual tests to measure student progress and imposes penalties for schools that do not improve performance. **

* Education Week, Quality Counts 2002